MA c.1980
12/06/2010 After way too many years without a new recording I'm
heading into the studio with One Click Culture to record a seven song
CD. We're hoping to have product by early spring 2011. You can check
out a test version of one of these songs by clicking here:
http://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_6014899 |
I have obviously been totally lame about updating
the news page - so here's an update.
past summer and fall were exciting for me musically for a number of
reasons. Most importantly, I got my butt out there and performed quite
a bit. There were some good shows and some not so good shows - that's
how it is for me. Just getting back on stage and performing was great.
the moment I am working on some new songs which I hope will end up on a
CD before too long. I am also slowing working on putting together a
band to play my music live. This project is extremely slow going but I
hope to have something in place by the summer of 2009. The success of
the band project will be a key to the project of creating a new CD.
I'm also working on putting together a Videos
section of this website so stay tuned!
On May 3rd, 2008 I will be performing with Tempest
on stage for the first time in seven years (ok, that doesn't include
the time I sat in on Dance of the Sand Witches at the Night Eagle Cafe
in Oxford, NY back in '06). The event is called Karfluki Fest
and this year celebrates Tempest's 20th anniversary. Lief Sorbye has
put together a full weekend of Tempest activities for your enjoyment.
Go to the Karfluki
Fest website for all the details.
I've been working out the kinks in my fingers and
madly spinning to Sand Witches in preparation! I hope to see you there!!
On 01/16/2008 I played my second show with The
Great Conniptions of Saint Ignacious at the Cyber Cafe West in
Binghamton, NY. Conniptions is the brain child of my friend John
Kanazawich. The idea is to get four musicians together for an hour or
so of unrehearsed live composition. That's a mouthful and not for the
faint of heart. Anyway, I recorded the last performance and I have
posted a three minute snippet in the jukebox on my music page. The title is
"Variations on a Theme by John Tesh pt2" - pretentious enough for
everybody? Good, go give it a listen.
"Into the Sun" was chosen to be the Power Pop
track of the day at GarageBand.com
for 10-07-07. Why not drop by and give it a listen? You can also read
what some GarageBand users thought of it. Oh boy!
I finally finished the complete version of "Into
the Sun" and posted in up on my music page. Start the player and scroll
down to #9 if the player doesn't choose "Into the Sun" for you. This
has been a long time coming - 2 years since I first started working on
the demo! Very special thanks to Ariane
Cap for playing bass and Mike Carrerra for the background
vocals. They both sent me tracks over the internet and the piece would
be far less without their contributions! Also thanks to Dave
Hitchborne for allowing me to use his beautiful photo as the
image for "Into the Sun".
Check it out and please let me know what you
think. If anybody wants an MP3 for personal use let me know and I will
send one to you free of charge.
Here's a link to a feature about me in the 9/20/07
edition of Binghamton's Press & Sun Bulletin. This feature is a
teaser for the Songwriter Showcase at the CyberCafe West in Binghamton
on 9/26/07.
the feature
There's a slideshow on the PHOTOS page with some photos I
haven't shown before. It's all set to "Dance of the Sand Witches" from
my Tempest days. Go check it out.
In the meantime I will keep working on a new,
heavier track that I hope will be finished sometime in the next few
months. It still needs words, a singer (maybe me) and a bass player.
This one is to prove that I can still lose touch with my sensitive side
when I want to!
page has finally entered the 21st century! You can now launch a jukebox
which will let you listen to all the mp3 tracks I have uploaded without
having to click a link for each one. You can even surf off to some
other, less interesting site and continue listening. I did this for YOU
because this is really the best way for me to get my music in your
ears. I'll be adding more tracks over the next few weeks - pretty much
the rest of "Lines on the Wall".
By the way, I only have THREE copies of the "Lines
on the Wall" cd left. These are hand made by me and I don't know if I
will get around to making any more. So if you want one act fast by
clicking here.
I hope you enjoy the new jukebox and please, let
me know what you think by emailing me. Dang, just let me know you were
It hasn't happened much lately but I've added a
new song to the MUSIC
page. It is titled "A Million More Kisses" and I just finished tweaking
it the other night. I reserve the right to tweak it some more but for
now it's done.
I hope you enjoy it and feel free to let me know
what you think by emailing me.
I've tried to put together a project or two with
other musicians in the area over the last year but so far nothing has
stuck. This has left me with the feeling that maybe I'm better off just
writing and recording my own music rather than trying to put together a
live show.
I'm working on a major website overhaul which will
probably take me a long time to finish but I promise to get this page
out of the 1990's some day! Towards that end I have finally ponied up
some cash to get a real web hosting company. Than means I can now keep
my music here and not send you off to another site to hear it. I think
that's a big plus cause now you can spend more time here.
By the way, if you're here reading, looking and/or
listening I'd love to hear from you. Email me so I can stop wondering
why I bother!
Well, I've been doing my best to meet musicians in
the area to work with. There are a few things in the works but nothing
to mention by name yet. In the meantime I continue to explore my new
recording software and get nostalgic for things pre-1990. Here's a
little something I cooked up this weekend.
Synth Scratch.mp3
I've been going through a large pile of cassette
tapes that I have been lugging around my life for the past 15 years.
There are some interesting things on those tapes. I've found a bunch of
great ideas to work on and also some little snippets from my life.
Here's a phone message I got back '97. Yeah, I took the job...
Job Offer.mp3
Way It Goes has been selected by GarageBand.com to be the
acoustic track of the day for 1/23/06! This is the second such award I
have received from Garage Band and is based on listener reviews. As of
today The Way It Goes is in round 2 of Garage Band's acoustic music
contest. Will it make it to round 3? Stay tuned...

Song has been selected by GarageBand.com to be the acoustic
track of the day for 12/24/05! This award is based on listener reviews
and is a nice honor to receive. Click on the icon below to hear what
the buzz is all about.

Song has been receiving very positive reviews on GarageBand.com
and is moving into the second round of the current contest. I don't
know exactly what that means but I am glad that folks are enjoying the
track. Click the link above to be taken to the GarageBand page for
'Celebration Song' and read what people have been saying! You can also
download teh MP3 file from there and enjoy the song all you want for
I have started a new Todd Evans page at www.garageband.com.
Song is available for streaming and download there right now.
Please give it a listen and take a moment to rate it. If it gets
popular who knows, maybe I can sell it and stop writing software and
make music full time instead.
I have also set up an account at www.myspace.com
where you can listen to some more tracks.
Well, I spent all my money and now I have to learn
how to use a bunch of new software and hardware. As I go about doing
that I will post some of the things I create on my MUSIC page. The first,
creatively titled "11-4-2005" is already there. Check it out and let me
know what you think. - THIS FILE HAS BEEN REMOVED - SORRY!
The website is back! I hope to be updating this
old horse in the months to come. I've moved twice since 2002 and have
landed in upstate New York. I am working on putting together a new hard
disk recording system so that I can get back to making music. I have no
idea what that music will sound like but the good news for fans of my
heavier music is that I have been listening to a ton of metal lately
and I'm eager to crank things up again. Stay tuned.
After many, many, many hours of hard work and
frustration my CD "Lines On The Wall" is ready. You can listen to
samples and purchase it by following this link.
My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who made it possible for me to
accomplish this goal. I hope y'all like it.
Yeehaa! I finally finished work for "Lines On The
Wall." The final product will be available very soon. This is truly a
homegrown project - created by hand by me down to the artwork and CD
manufacturing. I wore as many hats as I could find - engineering.
producing, singing, playing guitar bass keyboards and some percussion,
designing the package. I am very excited to have the CD heard and seen
by all of you. Hopefully I will have my PayPal account ready soon so I
will be able to accept credit card orders. Sit tight, for a couple of
more weeks.
I have uploaded the first track off "Lines on The
Wall." The song is called "Gone
Fishin'" and is a simple acoustic guitar instrumental. You
can download it from the MUSIC
page. Keep checking back for more tracks in the coming weeks.
As of the New Year I have officially left Tempest.
I'm looking for new opportunities while I finish my solo CD, "Lines On
The Wall." Songs from the new CD will be posted as soon as possible. If
you are interested in being notified by email you can let me know be
emailing me at toddevans@ix.netcom.com.
I have a few things in the works that I will announce when more details
come through.
Zone" is now available for download from the MUSIC
page. Also check out the photos from the session. Please, feel free to
share the track with anyone who might enjoy it and also to share your
thoughts on the music with me by email.
Maxwell and I spent the last two days recording at Two Street Music
in Eureka, CA. We have completed the second song for a possible CD
release. The track is called "Comfort Zone", and will be available for
download soon. "Comfort Zone" features some tasty fretless bass and
acoustic guitar. Once again we did a lot of the writing in the studio,
leaving some ideas vague until the last minute. This approach is both
challenging and rewarding. I think the results speak for themselves.
Check the MUSIC
page in a week for the MP3.
has finally approved my membership. I will be maintaining a page with MP3.com in order to
provide ongoing access to more of my music. Check out: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/315/todd_evans.html.
From this link you can access several versions of songs depending on
the speed of your Internet connection. Also check out the ART page for
current and past images.
Maxwell and I spent the last two days working on my solo CD,
"Lines on the Wall." The sounds are great and I'm really enjoying
working with William. It looks like a CD will be available around the
spring of 2002. I will post some MP3 files the MUSIC
page as tracks are finished.
Just got back from a weekend on the road with Tempest. I have
uploaded a new MP3 to the MUSIC
page. It is the song I recorded with William Maxwell
last weekend. It is titled "Into
the Storm." Let me know what you think. Feel free to share
this track with anyone you think will enjoy it.
I spent the last couple of days in Eureka, CA
working with William
Maxwell at Two
Street Studios. We completed a song (as yet unnamed) which I
hope to be posting to the MUSIC
page asap.
September, 2001
For the past seven months I have been working on a
solo project. The CD is titled "Lines On The Wall" and is about halfway
done. All the recording is being done at Cheap Ass Studios in Alameda,
CA. Look for more information in the months to come.